Poly House


Structural Features

          1.  Frame:

  • Made of galvanized steel or aluminum for strength and corrosion resistance.

          2.  Shape:

  • Commonly semi-circular (hoop-shaped) or rectangular with a peaked roof.

          3.  Size:

  • Ranges from small (6×6 feet) to large commercial sizes (up to several acres).

Covering Material

Polyethylene Film:

    • UV stabilized to prevent degradation from sunlight.
    • Thickness typically between 150-200 microns (6-8 mil).
    • Durable, lasting about 2-5 years depending on conditions.


  1. Natural Ventilation:
    • Roll-up side walls.
    • Roof vents.
    • Louvered windows.

          2.  Forced Ventilation:

  • Exhaust fans.
  • Circulation fans for adequate air movement.

Temperature Control

  1. Heating:
    • Electric heaters or gas heaters used in colder climates.
  1. Cooling:
    • Shade nets.
    • Evaporative cooling pads.
    • Misting systems.

Humidity Control

  1. Misting Systems:
    • Increase humidity for crops requiring high moisture levels.

         2.  Dehumidifiers:

  • Reduce excess humidity to prevent fungal diseases.


  1. Natural Light:
    • Maximized through the transparent polyethylene cover.

         2.  Supplemental Lighting:

  • LED grow lights or fluorescent lights for regions with low sunlight.

Watering Systems

  1. Drip Irrigation:
    • Efficient water delivery directly to plant roots.

         2.  Sprinkler Systems:

  • Used for overhead watering.

Additional Features

  1. Benches and Shelves:
    • Organize plants and maximize space.

         2.  Sensors and Controllers:

  • Monitor and automate temperature, humidity, and soil moisture.


  1. Cost-Effective:
    • Cheaper to construct than glass greenhouses.

        2.  Climate Control:

  • Provides a controlled environment for year-round cultivation.

        3 .  Versatility:

  • Suitable for a variety of crops including vegetables, flowers, and herbs.

        4.  Water Efficiency:

  • Drip irrigation reduces water usage.


1.    Structure

  • Frame: Made from materials like galvanized steel or aluminum, which are resistant to rust and corrosion.
  • Shape: Often semi-circular or hoop-shaped, but can also be rectangular with a peaked roof.
  • Size: Can range from small (6×6 feet) to large commercial sizes (up to several acres).

2.    Covering Material

  • Polyethylene Film: The main covering material, typically UV stabilized to protect against sunlight degradation.
  • Thickness: Generally between 150-200 microns (6-8 mil).
  • Durability: Lasts about 2-5 years, depending on quality and environmental conditions.

3.    Ventilation

  • Natural Ventilation: Roll-up side walls, roof vents, and louvered windows.
  • Forced Ventilation: Exhaust fans and circulation fans to ensure adequate air movement.

4.     Temperature Control

  • Heating: Generally not required in warmer climates. In colder climates, heating systems like electric heaters or gas heaters can be used.
  • Cooling: Shade nets, evaporative cooling pads, and misting systems help in reducing temperature.

5.    Humidity Control

  • Misting Systems: Increase humidity for crops that require high moisture levels.
  • Dehumidifiers: Reduce excess humidity to prevent fungal diseases.

6.    Lighting

  • Natural  Light: Maximized through the transparent polyethylene cover.
  • Supplemental Lighting: Used in regions with low sunlight to ensure optimal plant growth.

7.    Watering Systems

  • Drip Irrigation: Efficiently delivers water directly to the plant roots, reducing water waste.
  • Sprinkler Systems: Can be used for overhead  watering.

8.    Additional Features

  • Benches and Shelves: Used for organizing plants and maximizing space.
  • Sensors and Controllers: Monitor and automate environmental conditions like temperature, humidity, and soil moisture.